Saturday, October 30, 2010

Patience, Persistence, Endurance

I have been putting together a resource book for parents of children in a special education unit. I hope to give them some hope - I am hoping to do some serious community engagement with these parents.

Sometimes as a parent, life just gets really rough. I got spammed today by somebody telling me that she was interested in my writing. LOL she has been banned off Twitter for spamming. Sigh. Only took a quick Google search to weed that one out.

Yesterday at the movie club with the kids, I had them for about ten minutes, then they got up and said they had enough - one after the other they got up and said that they were bored and wanted to do something else.

So my movie club is a struggle. It is really about my son - helping him, but I was hoping to give the kids some social skills too.

I have been in a real slump of a mood these past couple of days. I really miss my father in law, who was into the local cine-club. He and his mates all used to get together and really enjoy life making movies.

I know that you didn't come here to listen to me whine and bang on about how hard life is - you already know that.

If you are a parent with a child with Autism, do me a favour - go into your son or daughter's room while he or she is asleep, and look at how wonderful he or she is. Stroke his or her cheek gently. This little miracle needs you to keep on going and be his or her champion.

It takes real inner strength, and endurance. Life isn't about a high speed sprint - it is about an endurance test. My inner strength comes from trust in Jesus. You may think that is corny - but honestly - my trust in God my creator, and in the work that He did in His precious Son on the Cross, and the gift He offers of relationship with Him has held me back from literally at one stage driving off a cliff.

There has always been that small, still voice in the darkness, the light that burns consistently in the darkness of my mind. The light will and has overcome the darkness.

I don't hate myself anymore - that in and of itself is a miracle. Eighteen months ago - I hated and loathed myself. I know that other people don't like me, and have issues with me, but I am ok with that - because I only live before the audience of one - my Creator.

One day I will answer to Him for my life, and the gifts he gave me and how I used them.

I know that the days are hard, laborious, and that hope at times feels futile. Don't ever give in to the urge of destroying yourself. You are precious. Your life here is a gift - you have purpose and a destiny carved out for you. Whether you are looking at yourself in the mirror, and then going to the cupboard and the fridge and binging, then purging, or taking laxatives, or taking substances that will slowly kill you, or are contemplating hurting yourself - cry out for help - please - call your local suicide prevention line!

Don't give up hope, ever!!! You are a wonderful, beautiful, masterpiece of creation. I have seen that God has masterfully made each of us a complete masterful work of art. You were created, you weren't mass produced or manufactured. God can align the fractures and splinters in your life to look like the cuts on a beautiful diamond.

There is a popular song that says something that every scar is a battle that has been lost - no - it isn't. A scar is something that you have healed from. There are beautiful scars too - like the two incision marks I have on my stomach from my two caesareans.

God has a plan for people with Autism. He can equip them, strengthen them, and give them destinies of victory and blessing.

Don't give up - be patient, persistent, and endure. Nothing in life that is worthwhile is ever instantaneous!!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - He is my inner strength. I am self sufficient in Christ's sufficiency.

Don't chuck in your life. You are too precious for that, and loved also. Don't deny the beauty and marvel of the creation that you are.

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