Monday, October 18, 2010

The Benefits of Working with An Exercise Physiologist

For many people who end up in the exercise physiologist’s office it can be with a sense of hesitation, and coupled with the fact that he or she has attempted a long list of “failures” in the weight loss and self care department, a sense of fear and dread may very well walk right in the door with them.
            To that person, success is not really within their vision at that point in time, and that is what is key to the success of Michael Usher – he is able to get success on the horizon for that person – one step at a time. Small stroke of genius then that his health and wellness company is called Vision Health and Fitness.              Michael relaxes back in his chair in a makeshift office – the studio is undergoing a refit – and contemplates the role he plays in getting people from being near to having a heart attack to well on the way to being vibrant and full of life. That is not just a compliment to him – for many people it is a reality – working with Michael Usher, an exercise physiologist – has literally saved their lives, when combined with the support of that person’s GP, and a dietician to supervise his or her eating plan.
            “Many people come in here just on the referral from their general practitioner,” Michael explains that most of his clientele are people who are deemed to have chronic diseases, including obesity, asthma, type II diabetes and get placed on a primary health care plan – which is done by their general practitioners, and includes supervision by an exercise physiologist and a dietician.
            Michael explains that a key to a person becoming well is to unearth the reason why that person walks in the door in the very first place: “that is key now to our wellness coaching. The person may come in the door and say that they are just here because the GP (general practitioner) referred him or her, but generally they are not here because they are being forced to – it goes deeper for a lot of people.”
            Michael explains that through talking to the person, he unearths with them, the real reason as to why he or she finally got up the courage to walk through the door of his office.
            Michael explains now that through wellness coaching, he works with a person to get them to see their own motivations and reasons for becoming well.
            “We (the exercise physiologists at Vision) sit down with the person, and with a little guidance from us, that person sets the goals of their own program. For example – they may come in here once a week and work with me, and go for a walk three times a week.  They then come back to us and review how they went for the week.”
            Michael explains that through guidance and coaching, the locus of control is put back onto that person – he or she really becomes responsible for his or her own health. This, with the added benefit that you have a coach guiding you through all the stages of your motivations for wanting to become well, and having to go and keep a regular appointment all works together synergistically for ensuring that person’s ongoing success.
            Another key benefit in ensuring that the person keeps coming and remaining accountable is that there is the novelty and fun value added into the program.
            “With a typical gym program that is set – a person has that set for a number of weeks, and boredom can set in. When you are working with an exercise physiologist, you are still working on the same goals, but there is the key of added variety, so within the time where you are working on those goals, you can mix it up a little and stop the boredom from setting in.”
            Michael explains also that he works with that person, or a small group of people whilst they are working, and can help them to push themselves that little bit harder.
            “When people are going to a gym unsupervised they may not be pushing themselves to the limit,” he explains. Whilst you are working with an exercise physiologist you can expect to be challenged.
            “The body quickly learns to adapt to a particular program, and becomes very efficient,” Michael says that when you are working with an exercise physiologist that he or she can observe how your body is responding, and then reassess and adapt the program to a higher level of challenge.
            So, its fun, it is social, it is constantly challenging, and it is effective. The other benefit too, particularly for people with special health conditions, is that it is safe. Exercise physiologists are highly trained professionals who understand the limits of the human body, perform thorough health assessments prior to developing a program for a person, and tailor a program for that person’s ability at that point in time. An exercise physiologist will also help that person progress from a state of poor health to the point where are more energetic, vibrant, and are feeling less of the negative side effects of their chronic health conditions.
            The only real problem that exists in the field of exercise physiology is that not enough people are aware of them, and only end up working with them after being referred by his or her general health practitioner. Sadly though, it is a reality that chronic disease is becoming all too common in this day – an increase of sitting in front of a screen, not enough time to cook healthy meals, and exercise not particularly high on the priority list because other things have to be done first.
            The irony is, however, that if people do take the time to exercise, and to eat well – they will end up having more energy to do those other things on the priority list and spending less money on health care in the long term.
            Exercise physiologists are professionals who care lots about people’s health and wellbeing, and help people with chronic disease become well again. They don’t just train people with chronic diseases, however – Michael works with a range of people – people coming in after having had surgery such as hip replacements, and also elite athletes.
            Working under the supervision of an exercise physiologist is for the huge majority of Michael’s clients an incredibly satisfying, enjoyable and beneficial investment in their health. The retention rate of people who walk in through the doors of Vision Health and Fitness, and that keep coming back in the long term is testimony to that. Once people start seeing the results – and they do come quickly – and are encouraged by a dedicated, considerate and caring team of professionals, they just keep on coming back.
            Michael has a litany of testimonials to attest to the benefits of working with an exercise physiologist such as himself. They aren’t just random people – but real people who have lived and breathed the struggles with obesity, heart conditions, arthritis, or having to do rehabilitation after surgery. They may not become elite athletes, but they are learning to self-care, and enjoy life, and get back that spark of confidence that life is worth living, and that they are indeed worthwhile as a human being, so that they are investing in one of their greatest assets - their health and wellbeing. And Michael is helping them along the way.
 **on a note here - I am one of the people that Michael has helped to turn my life around!!!** I didn't just write this article for a bit of bollocks - I really totally have been helped by Michael. Talk to your primary health care practitioner about seeing an exercise professional if you are considering to do so. I did and it has changed my life. 

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