Sunday, September 26, 2010

Repair it or recycle - don't chuck it

Well, I have just gone and cancelled a layby for a new lawn mower. I put the money onto my credit card.

I have made a resolve with myself not to put anything else on credit, and to give myself a cash allowance per week - it is really making me sit down and examine what I really am motivated to purchase, and if the purchase will serve me well, or be a dud investment.

As for the lawnmower, we have a good quality lawnmower sitting out in the garden shed, but it isn't currently working.

I just rang and got a quote to repair it, and it is going to cost me $20 for a quote. I am hoping and praying that it is a simple repair, and that I won't end up having to shell out huge amounts of dollars ... either way, it is going to be cheaper than the cost of a new lawnmower.

As far as resource management goes, I have been getting the message from things I read, and pray about - that I ought to look after the things I already have rather than to go out and shell out money for new things, only adding the broken down stuff to the landfill.

I have a really really old fridge in the shed - I don't want to turn it on, but neither am I going to give it away to a charity, because I don't believe that it would be environmentally responsible - it burns way too many kilowatts and it would also cost somebody a hideous amount of money to run. So I figured I have solved my conundrum - I rang around the scrap metal recyclers, and have found somebody who will buy my old fridge to recycle the metal. *cool*

So, two dilemmas solved today - repair the old mower, ditch the old fridge to put money towards the cost of repairing the mower.

Oh yeah - before I forget - if you want to get paid for all your old electronics - there are websites that will buy them - they pay you to be environmentally responsible: Buy and Sell Your Old Electronics here.

Here is a resource (and a thrifty one!) for economically and environmentally sustainable living: (Amazon)Reuse Repair Recycle: A Mine of Creative Ideas for Thrifty Living
And another: Don't Throw It Out: Recycle, Renew and Reuse to Make Things Last (Amazon)
For home decorating ideas Restore. Recycle. Repurpose.: Create a Beautiful Home (A Country Living Book)
And one of my own favourites -
Shabby Chic (Amazon)

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